Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Not that anyone reads my blog but...I guess I should post anyway...and today I'm actually having a good day.
It's an epiphany kind of day.  My girlfriend, Suzi, (we've been bffs since high school) recently moved back to PA.  Yesterday she texted me to say hello and asked how things had been going.  I responded with the usual, 'things are great, everyone's wonderful,' blah blah blah, to which she kinda called me on my bullshit.  She said she knew I had to have some kind of drama to spill.  It was at that moment that all these things started popping into my head and I thought, damn...she's right.  I have drama in spades...whatever that means.  So I told her I'd fb her today.
So today I started the message.  At first I couldn't decide which drama to start with.  So I go with the most obvious.  Then as I'm writing, it hits me.  This would make an amazing story!  And then I was off and running.  So...I'm not sure when I'll post again but, hopefully, when I do, I'll be knee deep into what will hopefully become a best seller.
Wish me luck!

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