
Kayla Amy McCabe was born July 27th, 2000.
At 9 lbs, 1 oz, she was a not-so-little bundle of black hair with blonde tips.  People would actually stop me to ask if I bleached the tips of her hair.  Yes, I bleached my newborn's hair!  Come on people!!  Really?
Not gonna lie, this was a challenging time.  Kayla was a very gassy baby and had a very hard time sleeping...which meant I didn't get much sleep either.  As the time went by, we settled into a routine and things became much easier.
Kayla with her Papa Richie
Kayla with Papa Tony (RIP)


2002 - Las Vegas for cousin Ryan's birthday

2003 - Being silly at home

2004 - Always the little character

2005 - The Proud Sister

2006 - Kindergarten
Kayla's 6th Birthday - Auntie Gina took her to Disneyland

2007 - playing in the pool with her cousins at Auntie Gina's house
Kayla's 7th Birthday and 2nd year in a row at Disneyland with her Auntie

2008 - Easter at her grandparents house
New addition to the family - Max

Hanging at home on the Love Sac

2010 - Auntie Gina's 50s themed birthday party

2011 - 11th Birthday at the beach with her friend Katie