Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving Weekend

Thanksgiving was nice and quiet.  Went to my aunt's house and had dinner with the fam.  Missed 2 of my sisters but got to hang out with Gina and Robyn.  Afterwards, I met up with Travis at his mom's to watch him play MW3 with his brother.
We did not venture out into the insanity of Black Friday.  Instead we stayed home and played The Sims 3 and created the best pirate ship house ever!!  Then Friday night we went to a small get-together at Gina's.  I miss hanging out with my sisters.  :-(

Saturday we went to Disneyland.  It had been so long since we'd gone I felt like a little kid going for the first time.  We didn't get there till around 5 and the place was packed!  But the weather was amazing!  I thought we were going to freeze but we never even needed our jackets.  I have to say this was definitely one of the top 5 trips to Disneyland EVER!  We went on almost everything we wanted to go on. 
We hit Alice in Wonderland

Big Thunder Mountain - 5 is my fav number...

The Haunted Mansion

Winnie The Pooh
Pooh's Corner Store for yummy Tigger Tails

Pirates of the Caribbean

After Pirates we were starving so we stopped at Pizza Port before we hit Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blasters

And then finally we tossed our fast passes (which were for 11:00) and waited the long 40 minute wait for Star Tours (it was only 40 minutes because the fireworks show was happening at the same time so we got lucky)  I know, boo fricken hoo! 

After that, we were so sleepy!  Our fast passes for Indiana Jones weren't until 10:30 and it was only 9:30 so we decided to skip Indiana and head home.
The night ended with these views...

Today, Sunday, is, of course, Sunday Funday.  Unfortunately I'm playing Travis this week in FF so I'm probably going to lose miserably (he's 10-1 and I'm 3-8 lol) but one of my fav things to do is sit home in my pjs and watch football so...I can't complain too much.  Plus I get to make my famous chili dip!

Ending the night with a glass of wine, Dexter, and Boardwalk Empire will be the icing on the cake for me.  Hope y'all had just as amazing of a weekend as I did!

Monday, November 21, 2011

And the winner for world's worst blogger is...
MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!  (raise the roof)

Prepare for a long one as I haven't written in way too long.  It's been tough, what, with being unemployed and having all this time on my hands all of a sudden... 
Honestly though, I have been busy.  Being unemployed doesn't mean I'm just sitting here with my thumb up my bum all day.  When you're home all day long, you start to notice things like, have I ever dusted that?  I know I just moved into this apartment, what...6 months ago but...have I ever vaccumed?  Once these thoughts start, more continue to creep up on you and, before you know it, you've spent the whole day thinking about things you should be doing. 
But then, the next days are spent doing these things that have been carefully made into a list that is now staring at you ominously.  And, of course, once these things start, they never seem to end.  Just because you now have a list, crossing each one off as you complete them, doesn't mean your brain has shut off.  It seems the list gets longer and longer as I complete things.  I'll cross off 10 but add 20 more.  Its a vicious cycle.

This past weekend was fun.  On Friday I took Kayla to see Breaking Dawn.  I must say I now have so much more respect for Kristen Stewart.  I wont comment on the movie as I don't wanna ruin it for those that have yet to see it.  But I will say, that I was not disappointed.

On Sunday, though I missed the football games, I had the pleasure of going to the MLS Cup game against Houston.  It was the first time we'd been to a game in what felt like forever and, of course, it had to be pouring down rain and freezing cold. 
But this was a very welcome sight and, I'd like to think, a good luck charm.
But, the cold, the rain...that didn't stop any of us...the stadium was filled to capacity, double booked even...dedication at it's finest! 
And the Galaxy boys did not disappoint. 
We won 1-0 thanks to Landon Donovan. (cue song "Oh Landon Donovan Oh Landon Donovan Oh Landon Donovan Oh Landon Donovan...") 
At the end of the night, Travis and I were so happy to finally get out of those cold, wet clothes.

This now brings me to my next topic.  With Thanksgiving around the corner, listing the things you are thankful for seems to be the thing to do.  So, here are my top ten.  Be advised that the following list is in no particular order.

1) Landon Donovan -
Without him, it would've been a very long, cold, sad ending to my weekend, not to mention the Galaxy season.

2) Family -

Without them, I wouldn't be who I am today.
3) My children -
Without them, I wouldn't be the cranky areshole that I am j/k They are what keeps me going.  When everything is falling apart around me, they remind me what I'm still fighting for.

4) My parents -

Without them, I wouldn't be here.
5) Music -
What a dull existence it would be without music.

6) Fantasy Football -
Giving me 3 days to look forward to - Monday, Thursday, and Sunday!

7) The Sims 3 -
It's amazing how you lose track of time when you're in Simville.  Days just fly by!

8) Internet -
Thanks to the internet, I can listen to music, configure my fantasy football team, and tend to my crops, all at the same time!

9) My friends -

Some may come and some may go but real friends are the ones that seem as though they never left.  (yes, my sisters are some of my best friends)

10) Last but certainly not least, Travis. 

Without him I'd be a lost soul.  When my world is crumbling, and the sky is falling, he calmly picks up the pieces and starts putting them back together again.  He keeps me grounded and sane and it would be a sad, sad existence without him.  He completes me.

And on that note, Happy Thanksgiving to all, and to all a good night!  ;-)