Friday, October 14, 2011

is proving to be, yet another challenging year...
I was recently released from my current job of 4 years.  At the moment I wont go into too much detail but the whole thing was bogus... 
So it's been 2 weeks since that fateful day and, so far, I've been sick, my glasses broke (not reading glasses), I had to take a trip to the urgent care, and it seems that the only jobs out there require a degree of some sort.  So, here I sit at home, mentally abusing myself for the horrible choices I made when I was younger, wondering what's next? 
They say 'when it rains, it pours..."  Well, as much as I hate the heat, I'm ready for some sun... Weatherman?
On the bright side, I now have plenty of time to write...maybe this is a blessing in disguise...? 

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