Thursday, October 27, 2011

My Birthday

So...I celebrated my birthday last weekend and, I seriously have some of the best friends and family in the world!  My birthday was on Saturday the 22nd but actually started on Thursday the 20th. 
My mom took me out to dinner.  We went to one of my fav fattening places - Islands!  Being that Trav n I are, for lack of a better word, broke, we haven't eaten out in quite a while so...this was a real treat!!  Unfortunately Trav had to work late so, it was just me and my momma - which never happens!  So, that was an even bigger treat!!  :-)
Then, on Friday, we had some friends over for a small "intimate" gathering.  It was the usual crowd, Kevin, Jon, Toph, Rob, and Tess
Plus a few surprise guests - Etan and Chelsea (who somehow avoided my camera all night)!!
Jon and Amanda (who was unable to attend :-( cause she was sick) bought me a cake which really meant a lot because they remembered that last year I didn't have one. 
AND I even got a Happy Birthday serenade after midnight...only wish someone had gotten that on video...
I love that the cake says 25 - cause, of course I was turning 25...again...wink wink...
The rest of the night was...interesting...fueled by Mickeys and No label can imagine the "fun" was endless!
That was just before Toph "ninja'd" me... he (unintentionally of course) kicked me in the knee...
And that's what I like to call karma...hope he didn't break his
Me and my love...What happened to my hair...?
Signs of an amazing birthday eve?  The next morning I woke up with a terrible headache and two bruised knees, wondering why on earth I smelled of baby vomit...did I mention the cake was dulce de leche?  For those that don't know, literally translated, dulce de leche means "sweet from milk."
Yeah...that's what happened to my hair...and why I smelled of rotten milk...bleck!!!
The day of my birthday, first thing, I received a call from my babies singing me Happy Birthday.  I immediately took a shower to try to get that smell out of my hair and then Trav and I made breakfast.  The kids were dropped off shortly after with a cake Kayla made me.
She's been taking cake decorating classes - pretty good huh?
A bit later, we drove the kids down to my mom's for the evening so we could get ready for the party at my sister's.
I was super impressed with the turn out this year.  There were a bunch of amazing costumes!! 

 Hobo Travis just ended up looking completely insane...not too far off I guess....
Unfortunately, this year we were short 2 sisters :-( but I guess 3 out of 5 isn't too bad...felt like back in the day when we first started this tradition...  :-)
Annnnnnnnd.....the best costume of the night goes to....drumroll please....zombie...old school...mascarade...chick!  (not sure what this is called but it was AWESOME!!!!)
I have no clue who's under that wig but her and her (boyfriend?) looked amazing!!!!
And the decorations? 
SOOOO cute!!!
This guy was my favorite!  I danced with him all night!!
At first I thought he was a real person and I thought to myself, who's the midget in the corner dancing with himself?  I could only assume he was Darlene's date but decided to investigate further... 
Once I realized he was a robot, I stepped back and waited to see how many other people were fooled by this tiny dancing skeleton.  Verdict?  I'd say a good 90% (made me feel a little less like a dumbass) 
INSERT "I'M A DUMBASS" PHOTO HERE ^^^^^^^^^ (thanks a lot for that Dunlap!!)

Anyway, the night was a huge success - thank you to everyone for making my birthday amazing - especially Dad, Gina, and of course Lauren who provided the amazing decorations!!! 
I have to send a special shout out to Tucker who drove all the way down from BFE!  It was really nice to see him.  I know Travis really misses his chocolate bear...he was like a giddy little school girl.
Overall, it was another night of WAY TOO MUCH FUN!!! 
Sunday, on the other hand...I woke up feeling like I'd been hit by a truck.  I immediately logged on to facebook to see if there was evidence of the night before.  Sure enough my sister's status said "Owwwwwww.... I think I got hit by a truck. Everything hurts so bad."  More signs of a good

What I couldn't figure out was why my hips hurt so bad...until I saw this masterpiece...
Yes, that was my dancing partner...and that is Gina's door the next morning...LMAO!!!!
Almost a week later and my hips are still sore and all I can say is I'M GETTING WAY TOO OLD FOR THIS SHTUFF! was all worth it!!!

Friday, October 14, 2011

is proving to be, yet another challenging year...
I was recently released from my current job of 4 years.  At the moment I wont go into too much detail but the whole thing was bogus... 
So it's been 2 weeks since that fateful day and, so far, I've been sick, my glasses broke (not reading glasses), I had to take a trip to the urgent care, and it seems that the only jobs out there require a degree of some sort.  So, here I sit at home, mentally abusing myself for the horrible choices I made when I was younger, wondering what's next? 
They say 'when it rains, it pours..."  Well, as much as I hate the heat, I'm ready for some sun... Weatherman?
On the bright side, I now have plenty of time to write...maybe this is a blessing in disguise...?